Pictures Backlog


So I've been pretty lazy about putting up blog posts, and I'm going to try to update with less latency in the future. Right now I've got a huge backlog of things I intend to post but haven't gotten around to yet. And today I intended to climb Mt. Pugh, but instead slept until 11:00, which means that I'm feeling pretty lazy and should do something productive. So I'm just going to dump everything here. This includes things from July to present. Nothing is edited, but I might get around to that later and re-post things.

Europe - Switzerland

Berner Oberland

Saas Fee / Graachen



Luzern Redux

Europe - After Switzerland



Road Trip

Teddy Roosevelt NP

Glacier NP

Washington State

Vesper Peak

Snow Lake

Skyline Divide

Railroad Grade

Summit Lake

Round Lake

Supermoon Eclipse