After France, I went back to the UK with my mom. We slept in London, and took two day trips: one to Windsor Castle, Bath, and Stonehenge, and another to Edinburgh (which the Brits, being Brits, pronounce "Edinbruh." I kept thinking they were saying "Edinborough", which prompted me to take out my phone multiple times and reassure myself that I had been spelling it correctly my whole life, and wasn't crazy).

Palace of Westminster, with a seagull who wanted to get his picture taken without an appointment

As it turns out, it's kind of difficult to take good pictures of Windsor Castle

This part was blocked off for important people to do important things

The roman baths in Bath

I was informed by several tour guides in Bath that the water will kill you if you so much as dip a finger in it. I am suspicious that it actually has miraculous healing properties. I didn't chance it though.

These pillars used to hold up a heated floor. Roman engineering was pretty advanced

The bridge in the distance has a roof and shops along it. Apparently there aren't many left, because they are susceptible to fire

I was excited to visit Stonehenge, because I don't know much about it and I was looking forward to learning more

Turns out no one knows much about it

The information about stonehenge was all very vague and noncommittal. They were basically able to say "Yeah, there are some graves, and the stones are aligned with the solstices. There are some stones that people maybe thought had healing properties, but we can't really make any conclusions."

The Scottish flag flying over Edinburgh Castle

Which, by the way, has quite the history. It's been fortified since the Roman era, and has changed hands innumerable times

A street in Edinbruh

Looking out over Scotland from the castle

I also tried haggis in Scotland. It was not good. Don't try haggis.