Saas Fee and Graachen

I hiked from Saas Fee to Graachen. This is a very nice trail, and was probably the least-popular trail that I hiked in Switzerland. It was notable in that the ridge it follows was pretty steep - there are cables to hold at certain points, and sometimes a misstep would have meant a fall of a few hundred feet. Apparently this trail is well-known to the locals as a dangerous trail - every time I told someone that I was going from Saas-Fee to Graachen they would look surprised and say "Oh!"

One thing that I've noticed about the Swiss is that everything is black and white to them - there is a right and a wrong way to do everything. When I checked into my hotel in Saas-Fee, I mentioned to the owner that I was hiking to Graachen the next day, and once her eyes had gone from normal to saucers and back, she asked when I was leaving. I said about 9:00. At 9:15 the next morning I was about to leave my room, when I received a call from the front desk.

"Are you going to Graachen today?"


"You are too late!"

"I'm sorry?"

"You are too late to go to Graachen!"

"I'm sorry, I'm about to leave my room, I'll meet you at the front desk"

At the front desk I found the owner, who met me along with her husband.

"You are too late to go to Graachen!"

"I don't understand. It's about a 7-hour hike, so if I leave now, I should get there with plenty of time for dinner."

"Okay. Where are you staying in Graachen?"

I told them where I was staying that night. I wonder if they believed it to be a dangerous hike, attempted to dissuade me, and later called to make sure I got there in one piece. Honestly, the hike was not that dangerous, and I finished in about 7 hours - in time to eat a tasty pizza in Graachen.

Unfortunately, all my pictures from this hike are still in RAW format, and I haven't taken the time to convert them to jpg yet. I'll post them when I've had the chance to do that.