Round Lake

I hiked to Round Lake with friends. The plan was to go to Breccia Peak, but we ended up stopping at the outcropping just to the right of the lake. We stayed there for a while, looking at Sloan and Pugh, and trying to name other peaks. We also were waiting for Glacier Peak to clear up, but it never happened.

Looking south from the trail at Sloan and Bedal. Sloan isn't that recognizable without the top of it

Round lake, with Breccia up on the right. Apparently Round Lake is what's left of the caldera for Breccia, which used to be an active volcano

Sloan threatening to clear up

The top of our outcropping. Autumn is here!

Pugh, also hard to recognize without its top

Sloan, out of the clouds

Will Pugh join it?

Glacier Peak, peaking out from the clouds

The Painted Traverse, and an obscured Glacier Peak