Luzern Redux

I spent my last night alone in Switzerland in Luzern. I was on the way from Fiescheralp to meet my family, who flew into Zurich. I only spent a few hours there, but a mistake led to me doing more hiking than expected. I had booked a hotel in "Luzern" without looking where exactly it was. Turns out that the hotel was pretty far from Luzern, and it felt like it was a quarter of the way up mount Pilatus. So I hiked maybe two miles uphill in about 100 degree heat with my full backpack, wearing jeans. That is about as sweaty as I have ever been. But the elevation gain had a positive side as well: my room had a great view of Lake Luzern. Here are a couple pictures:

On the way up to my hotel

Lake Luzern

Night over Lake Luzern