White Pass / Portal Peak

Day 1: N.F. Sauk Trail -> White Pass

North Fork Sauk Trail runs along the N.F. Sauk River

The first 6 miles of the trail run through old growth forest, and are relatively flat.

Climbing towards White Pass

After following the river, the trail climbs for 3 miles towards White Pass. Mountains and autumn colors start to come into view.

My campsite for the night

Camping at the top of the ridge isn't allowed, so the campsite is offset slightly to the west. The temperature fell to about 25 degrees F overnight.

An almost-full moon with Indian Head Peak

Clouds obscuring Sloan Peak and the sunset

Day 2: White Pass -> Portal Peak -> Exit

Looking in the direction of an obscured Glacier Peak

I had initially intended to do the White Pass / Pilot Ridge loop, but I decided to do Portal Peak instead.

Mount Rainier from PCT, heading towards Portal Peak

Looking south from Portal Peak. Notable mountains include Mt. Stuart on the left and Mt. Rainier on the right

Looking northwest from Portal Peak, towards Mt. Pugh and the Painted Traverse

I'll need to come back and do the painted traverse at some point; it looks absolutely gorgeous.

Glacier Peak from Portal Peak

"Glacier" Peak is looking pretty barren. Hopefully we get more snow this winter, but El Nino's not looking that promising.

Looking north towards the North Cascades

Mt. Sloan from Portal Peak, with the Olympic range in the far distance

My stuff
