Ptarmigan Ridge

I recently went up to the Mt. Baker area with some friends to hike Ptarmigan Ridge. We set off from Artist's Point at about 16:00, and hiked out about 4 miles on the Ptarmigan Ridge trail. At about 19:00 we climbed up a hill to watch the sun set on Shuksan, and turned around when the temperature started to drop. We took a few breaks on the way back to look at the milky way, and spotted some meteors along the trail and back at Artist's Point. Unedited pictures are below:

Shuksan from Artist's Point

Baker from the beginning of Ptarmigan Ridge

Shuksan from partway along Ptarmigan Ridge

Shuksan, with Baker's shadow on the right side

Baker from our stopping point on the hill

Looking south over the cascades. Glacier Peak is about 2/3rds of the way to the right in the distance

A nearby family of 5 mountain goats

Shuksan at sunset

Baker with different colors

Shuksan with the earth's shadow behind it

Baker with stars, milky way, and Seattle's light pollution. Taken from back at Artist's Point