
First Stop: London

The first stop of my trip was in London. I don't have much time to write at the moment, so I'm going to be a bit brief.

I spent most of my time in London walking around on foot. Everything was rather spread out, so it may have been better to take a bus, but it was fun getting to see everything.

I've just got some pictures below that I liked. There's one from pretty much everywhere I went in london.

Tower Bridge, with the Shard in the background

Tower of London, with the Gherkin in the background, taken from Tower Bridge

Tower of London

Tower of London from another angle

The causeway over the (former) moat at the Tower of London

The Shard with the HMS Belfast, taken near Tower Bridge

This helicopter was flying around a bunch, looks kind of like a Chinook but I'm guessing it's British-made

Shakespeare's Globe theater

A panorama of the Thames, taken from near the Globe theater

St. Paul's Cathedral from a footbridge

A look down the Thames


Modern-looking parts of London

Big Ben

Palace of westminster

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey with the palace in the background

Buckingham Palace

Looking from the palace towards Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square, with Big Ben in the background

St. Paul's from a distance

St. Paul's from up close

These signs were everywhere. I assume because England drives the wrong way, so pedestrians from everywhere else get confused