Melakwa Lake


Rebecca and I went to Melakwa Lake the other week. The trail starts under I-90 and travels through a valley up to Melakwa Lake. The bottom section of the trail is extremely well maintained, and there are plenty of families with young children. Most of them stop about a third of the way up, where the trail crosses the creek near some rapids. The rest of the trail is more empty, but not very well maintained.

Crossing under I-90

Waterfall along the trail

Sign for the lake

We got to the lake intending to swim. We put our feet in, but it was incredibly cold. For some reason this lake seemed colder than other lakes. Maybe it was because of the air temperature, which was close to 80 Fahrenheit.

We brought freeze-dried food for a snack, which is pretty uncommon for a day hike. We had pasta, which was a success, and "cheesecake", which was basically just sweet goop. Pretty much par for the freeze-dried course.

Melakwa Lake

Peninsula on the lake

Stove, boots, backpack

Panorama of the lake

After dinner we went around the lake to Upper Melakwa lake, which is just north of the first lake. We stayed there for a little while to take pictures, and then turned around and headed out.

Upper Melakwa

Boulder in the lake

Stream from the lake