East Baker Lake


I went hiking with some friends over the weekend. We chose to do a relatively easy hike along the east side of Baker Lake. The weather was excellent, which was a nice respite from constant rain.

We left Bellevue around 6am, and left the trailhead around 8:45. The hike was relatively flat through mossy forest, with several bridge crossings. We hiked for about 5 miles to the campsite at Noisy Creek, where we ate lunch.

After turning around, the hike back was quick and painless. The weather cleared up even more as we hiked out. We were back to the car around 2:30, and home before 5.

The beginning of the trail

A stream crossing 1 or 2 miles in

A small tree growing on a tree trunk, with Baker in the background

My things on a fallen tree trunk

Baker and its reflection

A better view of Baker, with less reflection

Chunxiao, Liang, Ming, and me

Baker from the Noisy Creek campsite

Some small flowers

The trail on the way back

A view of Baker along the road driving home