Rachel Lake


This summer Rebecca and I went for an overnight hike at Rachel Lake. We left a bit late, so we got to the campsite as it was getting dark. The hike there was mainly uphill, but fun, and had nice views of the surrounding area.

The sun setting on nearby mountains during the hike

Other mountains during sunset

After setting up camp, we made dinner and took pictures of the stars.

The milky way through the trees

Milky way again

Us in the tent at night

The next morning we woke up to great weather, and a nice view of the lake. We hung around at the campsite for a little while before heading back down.

The lake from our campsite

Heading back down the trail

For full-sized pictures, you can click the images in this post. I've also got all of the original and edited pictures in an archive here (434.6 MB). Let me know if you want anything edited.