Maple Pass Loop


Rebecca and I went hiking at Maple Pass Loop a couple months ago. It's about 7 miles around the loop, and there are great views into the North Cascades from the top of the pass.

Mountains to the North of the loop

Lake Ann, in the middle of the loop

Heading up towards the pass

Looking into the North Cascades NP, with some approaching rain

Near the top of the pass we got caught in a rain shower. We quickly hurried over to the east side of the pass, where the wind was calmer and it was warmer.

Heading down from the pass, looking towards Washington Pass in the distance

This guy was one of about 5 birds who wanted some food

For full-sized pictures, you can click the images in this post. I've also got all of the original and edited pictures in an archive here (833.1 MB). Let me know if you want anything edited.