Lake Ingalls


This is about a hike I took in September.

I think the Teanaway area might be my favorite section of Washington. It's always a safe bet for finding blue sky when the western part of the state is cloudy, it has excellent views of Mt Stuart, and it has plenty of places where I'd want to build a cabin sometime. I'd previously hiked to Longs Pass and Navajo Peak, which are both in the same area.

The trail to Lake Ingalls begins in the Esmerelda Basin at the same trailhead as the Longs Pass trail. From there it climbs partway around the Esmerelda Basin and over a ridgeline, where Mt Stuart comes into view. There are a few campsites in an idyllic valley, and then the climb to the lake, which is a moonscape at the start of the approach to Mt Stuart. As a result, there were constantly people passing on their way up the mountain.

Esmerelda Basin

Towards the top of the ridge

Mt Stuart from the campsite area

Mt Stuart panorama

Creek in the campsite, just above a waterfall

The campsites are up on that hill

Lake Ingalls

Lake Ingalls and Stuart

The trail around Ingalls. This side was flat along with some boulders, the other side took some scrabling to get around.

Heading back from the lake

Larch trees in the campsite

For full-sized pictures, you can click the images in this post. I've also got all of the original and edited pictures in an archive here (1.5 GB). Let me know if you want anything edited.