Hidden Lake Lookout


A month ago I took a hike with a bunch of friends to Hidden Lake Lookout in the North Cascades. The weather was mostly cloudy, which turned out to be absolutely perfect. While I want to go back at some point, this hike is going to join some other foggy hikes as one of my favorites.

Looking up the trail. It ascends this valley and then turns right

Light on the rocks

Looking back west down the valley

Trees and meadows

Looking up toward our destination

The hut's visible in this picture

A cairn in a boulder field

Looking out over the boulders

Interesting weathering on a boulder


Colin and Sudarshan at the summit

Rebecca picking her way through the boulders

Rebecca, Tiffany, and the hut

Colin hanging out over 500 feet of thin air


Hidden lake and a rainbow

Hidden lake and Mt Johannesburg

Rebecca and the lake


Tiffany after rescuing my lens cap from the boulders

Heading back down through the boulders

Hiking back through sleet

Sun poking through the clouds

For full-sized pictures, you can click the images in this post. I've also got all of the original and edited pictures in an archive here (2.6 GB). Let me know if you want anything edited.